Do You Not Know the Saints Will Judge the World

(Saint Catherine of Siena)

"Or exercise y'all not know that the saints will judge the world?" (1 Corinthians half-dozen:2)

There is a reason why the feast of All Saints is, in essence, the culmination of all other Feasts! This is because each new saint is a manifestation of the triumph of the Gospel. Thus, the great spiritual writer, Father Olier, says:

"In a certain sense the banquet of All Saints seems to me to exist greater than that of Easter or the Ascension because this mystery perfects our Lord. But Jesus every bit Head is not perfect except in union with all His members, who are the saints….This feast is very glorious considering it is an external manifestation of the life hidden in Jesus Christ, for all the excellency of the perfection of the saints is nothing more than an emanation of His Spirit poured forth on them" (The Mystical Evolution, Volume 2, p.501).

Information technology would therefore be a mistake to call back that the saints accept merely an ornamental presence in Heaven. As Saint Paul says rather boldly at 1 Corinthians 6:2, "Practice you not know that the saints shall judge the earth." Commenting on this verse, The Ignatius Catholic Study Bible says: "Only hither in the Bible do we learn that Christians will condemn both unbelievers (6:2) and fallen spirits (6:iii) at the last judgment" (see also Revelation 20:4).

In a profound text entitled, "How the Saints Save and Guess the World", the keen Dominican, Father Albert L. Weiss, says:

"In His merciful Providence God sent each saint to remind the world of its duties and to save it from its corrupt life. The saints, whose lives are a flagrant contradiction to the worldly spirit in full general and to that of their own age in detail, are selected equally instruments of conservancy by the compassionate Medico to the nations. But he who does not accept them as mediators, must accept them as judges, simply equally he must accept Jesus Christ, who did non come to gauge the world but to save it (John 3:17)…. For those who receive the saints, they are a great ways of salvation. A people will never fall hopelessly into corruption as long as they have a single saint" (The Mystical Development,Vol. Two, p. 373, as edited).

"The witnesses who accept preceded us into the kingdom, especially those whom the Church recognizes as saints, share in the living tradition of prayer by the example of their lives, the manual of their writings, and their prayer today. They contemplate God, praise him and constantly care for those whom they accept left on earth. When they entered into the joy of their Master, they were 'put in charge of many things.' Their intercession is their near exalted service to God'due south plan. We can and should enquire them to intercede for us and for the whole world" (Canon of the Catholic Church, 2683).

And on this subject of the importance of the saints, Begetter Faber warns us to not underestimate the nobility and power they hold:

" The accolade of God …is deeply implicated in the worship paid to the saint. In some sense [God] is more jealous of it than of His own; less patient of levity with [His saints] than with Himself, and frequently punishes persons for this [levity]. The saints themselves have entered into the dispositions of God, and, with a sort of vindictive holiness, hard for us in our present state to understand, resent familiarities and impertinences….   Faith is the chief ingredient in a true devotion to the saints; organized religion is the reality of their power, and of their relationship towards united states of america. It is a great sign of a human being being supernatural when he fears to offend a saint.  The favors of the saints course a great department of the Divine Mercies , and play an important role in the sanctification of holy men…." ( from:Notes on Doctrinal and Spiritual Subjects, Volume I, pages 381-82.).

Male parent Weiss explains that "the saints accept always been the most faithful sons of the Church….The more than united anyone is to the Church building, the more certain he is of union with her Founder and Lord, the author of all graces and the model and finish of all sanctity. The more tightly ane is spring with the mystical torso of Jesus Christ, the more he adheres to this divine Caput…." (Id at 485).

"All the good nosotros practise," says a nifty spiritual author, "Jesus Christ does in us." Accordingly, "nosotros may say that [Jesus] has washed, in a style, all the adept works of the Saints…." Thus, "when we keep the feast of some Saint, we keep the feast of Jesus Christ, who is the writer of all the sanctity of the Saints" (Father L. Lallemant,The Spiritual Doctine, p.262).

What could give Jesus more celebrity than the success of the Gospel verified by the saints? The saints, and so, are the fruit of the redemptive Incarnation, and are coheirs with Jesus Christ, sharing in His glory (Romans eight:17). "God is glorified in His saints" ( 2 Thes. 1:ten).

Tom Mulcahy, M.A.

Image: Saint Catherine of Siena past an anonymous painter, 19th century (Public Domain, U.S.A.)

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